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Making your content stand out can often be achieved with a straightforward design. Utilizing a basic but comprehensive toolkit such as this Bold Education Google Slides template, will transform your educational presentation into a visually clear experience for both students and staff. The template features slides with a combination of deep green and black colors, which allows the sans-serif typography to stand out and capture the audience's interest.
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Young writers in the 21st century
Bringing art to the world
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Getting the first sentence on paper can be one of the most difficult challenges a writer faces. Read on for ideas from eight authors on how to kick-start the writing process.
The opening lines of a story carry a lot of responsibility. They act as an invitation for someone who’s glanced at the first page of your book to either put it back down or keep reading.
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Young writers have few ways to support themselves, but many people are interested in learning how to write.
Lack of support
Many writers struggle to make a living from art alone.
No growth potential
Local writers rarely venture out into the outside world.
Wrong connections
It is difficult for writers to find readers and promote themselves.
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Writers are artists who create worlds in which people can drown. But while they might be magicians who seem to create fantastic stories out of thin air, they have their own set of problems too.
Social media
Devote a couple of hours every day specifically for marketing and catching up with fans.
Online lessons and in-person learning are possible thanks to great technology.
Every writer has the potential to write for magazines for the additional income.
Good technology
Write for magazines
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8 Great Ways to Start the Writing Process
Start in the Middle
Start Small and Build Up
Incentivize the Reader
Commit to a Title Up Front
If you don’t know where to start, don’t bother deciding right now.
You don’t have to set a Chevrolet on fire or have someone murdered on the first page to get the reader’s attention.
You don’t have to set a Chevrolet on fire or have someone murdered on the first page to get the reader’s attention.
The title you give a story—whether it ends up being your final title or just a placeholder— is your North Star. I
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8 Great Ways to Start the Writing Process
Create a Synopsis
Allow Yourself to Write Badly
Make Up the Story as You Go
Do the Opposite
The synopsis had the added benefit of helping to get those words on the page.
Nothing petrifies a writer more than the pursuit of perfection.
Don’t feel like you have to have your plot completely worked out before you start. Some of us don’t work like that.
You should try this exercise, which I call, right now, for the first time, “Do the Opposite,” in which you write the kind of story that is the exact opposite of the kind of story you hate.
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“It was easier to talk about writing, to do the exciting things related to art and creativity and literature, than to commit the act itself.” —
Ego is Your Enemy, Ryan Holiday
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Creative Writing Exercises
which will help you to develop your skills
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Switch up a story’s POV
Take a scene—or a chapter if you’re feeling adventurous—from one of your favorite books.
Write it from a different character’s point of view. In this exercise you’re switching out the main character to see how the story can be told in another way. Take the exciting finale from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and write it with Ron as the main character.
What information gets left out when you switch points of view? What does the reader know, or not know, in this new way of telling the story?
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Try blogging
There are a thousand writing tips out there, but they all boil down to one thing: Just write. Blogging is a great writing exercise because it creates an outlet for a regular writing habit. Write a post every day to keep your fingers and your mind nimble. Like most bloggers, you’ll want to have a focus—maybe you’ll narrow your scope to parenting or create a how-to site where you can tell stories from your first-person perspective.
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Have you ever wished you could say something to your younger self? Here’s your chance. Think of a subject you want to address, like a significant event, and compose a letter to your younger self as if you were a separate person. Offer advice or send a message you wish you had received when you were a child or young adult.
Write a letter to your younger self.
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Must-Read Best 21st Century Authors
J. K. Rowling
George Saunders
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
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Who knows, you might even become a best-selling author! Just remember to spend most of your time making it happen rather than dreaming about it.